We did it. We made it through January. The Mondayest of months. All that New Year, New You balderdash, immediately followed by feelings of abject failure when the resolutions inevitably fall by the wayside. Say NO to the ‘new year, new you’ shenanigans next year and just focus on a healthier, happier you. Don’t wait for a new year though, you can do that all year round – there’s no need to wait for a significant date to make positive changes and develop healthy habits. In fact, it’s often better to avoid making changes conditional to big days or special events. Concentrating on a specific day can add pressure, and cause habits to slip immediately after.
Every day, all year, avoid unattainable resolutions and instead build healthy habits and take positive steps. January is over; Spring is on its way.
Beat the Blues, Build Healthy Habits
January can feel like a tough month – and not just so-called ‘Blue Monday.’ The festive season is long gone, taking away with it the twinkly lights, Christmas magic, and parties. It’s cold and gloomy, and we’ve all spent far too much (yet payday wasn’t until the 971st of January, or so it seemed. There was certainly too much month left at the end of the money'). The reality of everyday life, coupled with lack of sunlight and therefore Vitamin D, means many people experience the January Blues. Low mood, lack of motivation, and fatigue are very real.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is well documented, but even a slightly low mood can be debilitating and self-perpetuating. There are ways to lift your spirits - they’re not dependent on the perceived fresh start a new year brings. At the AL Wellness clinic, we believe in holistic wellbeing - nurturing both body and mind. Contact us to find out how we can help.
In the meantime, here's how to promote positivity and feel BETTER:
1. Prioritise Self-Care
Taking time to care for yourself is essential, especially through the colder months. Treat yourself to relaxing treatments, whether it’s a facial, massage, or skin rejuvenation session. Not only does this boost confidence, but it also provides an opportunity to unwind and reset. Looking good and feeling confident has a beneficial effect on mental health. Take a look at our treatments.
2. Stay Active
Exercise is one of the best ways to improve mood and combat fatigue. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a fitness class, moving your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are the feel-good hormones that help reduce stress and anxiety. Exercising outdoors has the added benefit of enjoying fresh air and getting Vitamin D from the sunlight (well, such as it is…)
3. Get Plenty of Natural Light
Shorter days and longer nights have been shown to impact mood due to lower exposure to natural sunlight. Make the effort to get outside during daylight hours, even if it’s just for a short walk. If natural light is limited, consider a light therapy lamp to help boost your energy levels.
4. Maintain a Healthy Diet
If you overdid it over Christmas and New Year, it can be tempting to make drastic changes – crash diets never work long-term and can be detrimental to health. Instead, aim for balance. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins. You could try a chilli made with lean mince, and packed with diced carrots, onions, celery, spinach and peppers as well as the pre-requisite kidney beans and tomatoes. Now THAT’S a superfood. Or change up a cottage pie by adding more veg. Both are perfect winter warmers.
And never feel you must deny yourself treats in moderation – think flapjacks with plenty of oats, or fruit crumble with extra fruit. Nutrient-rich foods can help improve energy levels and mental clarity.
5. Drink Water
Wintry weather means it’s easier to forget to drink enough water, but hydration is key for both physical and mental health. Drinking plenty of water supports healthy skin, boosts energy, and improves concentration. Keep a bottle with you at work or out and about, or enjoy hot blackcurrant squash. Childhood in a glass!
6. Set Attainable Goals
Those overwhelming resolutions were all too often doomed to failure. Instead, set small, achievable goals and don’t limit them to new year, or Monday, or one vague day in the future. Do it now. Whether it’s improving - or introducing - a robust and results-driven skincare routine, increasing daily steps, or dedicating time to mindfulness, gradual changes lead to lasting, and healthy, habits.
7. Prioritise Rest & Sleep
Sleep is crucial for mental wellbeing – and also physical health. Create a calming bedtime routine. Stop working before teatime if you can, or at least limit screen time – no more telly, phone or iPad an hour before bed. Perhaps enjoy a warm bath, or practise meditation to help improve sleep quality.
8. Be Kind to Yourself
We’re often our own worst critics, and that inner voice can be quite insistent. Be patient with yourself. New habits do take time to form, and setbacks are normal. Celebrate even your small achievements and focus on progress rather than perfection. Give yourself credit.
Embrace Every Day with Confidence
Don’t save good habits and healthy movement for that mythical ‘one day’ and don’t depend on a new year to make changes and look after yourself. Winter doesn’t have to be months of struggling and sadness. With the right mindset and self-care strategies, you can turn it into a time of renewal and growth. If you’re looking for wellness, skincare and aesthetic treatments to help you look AND feel your best, we’re here to support you on your way to confidence and healthy living.
Let’s make this a year of self-care, positivity, and healthy habits. We can help.